We are here for you
Hotel Anna
Oberer Kirchweg 2
79410 Badenweiler
Phone: 07632 / 797-0
Fax: 07632 / 797 -150
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By car
Leave the A5 at the Müllheim/Badenweiler exit and follow the signs to Badenweiler. After Müllheim, there is an Aral petrol station on the right. Now you have to decide: Badenweiler West or East. Please take East. At the sports and leisure pool, turn right and follow the signs for Zentrum/Cassiopeia Therme. At Vitteler Platz (beginning of the spa gardens), turn sharply right into Oberer Kirchweg .
You’ve already reached your goal!
Pick-up taxi
Call us and we will arrange a pick-up taxi (e.g. Müllheim train station: special price 30 €).
By train
ICE to Freiburg, then change to the regional train in the direction of Basel to Müllheim/Baden (destination station). From there, take bus 111 to Badenweiler.
The RIT Black Forest Ticket
With the RIT Black Forest Ticket from all over Germany to the Black Forest and back – from as little as €70. The train journey for half the regular fare – that’s what the RIT Black Forest Ticket offers! For more information , see www.rit-schwarzwald.info